Psicologia, Interamericana
Evidencias de validez de una tarea computarizada de memoria de trabajo verbal y viso-espacial para niños

Palabras clave

validity - verbal work memory - visuospatial working memory - assessment

Cómo citar

Canet-Juric, L., Stelzer, F., Andrés, M. L., Vernucci, S., Introzzi, I., & Burin, D. (2018). Evidencias de validez de una tarea computarizada de memoria de trabajo verbal y viso-espacial para niños. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 52(1).


Working memory is a system of limited capacity involved in the retention and concurrent processing of information. The aim of this paper is to present validity evidences of a set of computerized tasks called TEMT (Tasks of Evaluation of Working Memory of the TAC) aimed at the measurement of verbal and visuospatial working memory. The criteria of concurrent validity, validity according to expected changes in development and validity according to the theoretically expected relationships with other constructs (reading comprehension and mathematical calculation) are checked. The results indicate that TEMT-CT is a valid instrument for the measurement of different aspects of working memory in children


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