Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 2024-12-20T18:16:56-05:00 Fernando Andres Polanco Open Journal Systems <p>The Interamerican Journal of Psychology (IJP) is published since 1967 by the Interamerican Society of Psychology. It is the policy of the journal to publish the current developments of Interamerican Psychology under both the theoretical and the applied and professional perspective; doing this, the journal aims to promote communication and cooperation among psychologists from the different Interamerican Countries<strong><em>.</em></strong></p> Parenting Practices and Emotional Regulation in Infants: A systematic review of empirical studies 2024-11-28T09:49:50-05:00 Ailín Charo Simaes Natalia Ailín Mancini Yazmin Uezen-Bozzi Lucas Gago-Galvagno Valeria Pedrón <p>Parenting practices include the different ways in which primary caregivers respond to children's needs, which is of great relevance to children's development. Therefore, parenting is associated with the development of children's emotional regulation, as a result of the interaction between caregivers and infants. A systematic review of scientific literature is presented with the aim of analysing empirical studies with explanatory and/or associative scope published over 11 consecutive years, of which only 42 met the inclusion criteria. We assessed the contribution of parental behaviours to emotional regulation in children aged 0-36 months, the robustness of these relationships and identified the mediating effects of socioeconomic status on emotional regulation and emotional reactivity in typically developing children. Most of the articles indicate that parental behaviors of sensitivity, gentleness, knowledge of emotions and time-sharing were associated with greater emotional regulation of the child, specifically with effortful control and decreased expressions of emotional reactivity. It is concluded that it is important to be able to guide primary caregivers in sensitive caregiving practices because of their positive results on emotional regulation in infants.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ailín Charo Simaes, Natalia Ailín Mancini, Yazmin Uezen-Bozzi, Lucas Gago-Galvagno, Valeria Pedrón Retirement and work from the perspective of psychology in the Latin America: a scope review 2024-12-06T12:41:29-05:00 Gabriel da Silva Silveira Leonardo de Oliveira Barros <p>Recent changes in the Brazilian Constitution have affected the world of work, so that authors in the field of Psychology have been trying to understand important career phenomena, including retirement. The aim of this investigation was to carry out a scope review of Latin American literature on retirement and work from the perspective of Psychology. Empirical articles extracted from the following databases were analyzed: SciELO, Google Scholar, Portal de Periódicos CAPES, LILACS and Redalyc. The descriptors “aposentadoria e trabalho”, “retirement and work” and “jubilación y trabajo” were used. The results indicated a greater predominance of studies by Brazilian authors, more qualitative investigations and more studies in the field of Clinical/Vocational Psychology. There was also a growing amount of research that sought to understand the influences of social and family relationships on the decision and implications of retirement. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out research associating retirement with important career variables.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel da Silva Silveira, Leonardo de Oliveira Barros Avances y panorama actual de las revistas de psicología en el Perú: medio siglo de investigación 2024-09-07T10:05:13-04:00 Kasely Esteban Giuliana Salazar-Alvarez Diego Renato Torres-Marruffo Mario Laborda Vanetza Quezada-Scholz Gonzalo Miguez <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">El objetivo del estudio es presentar un análisis de los principales indicadores bibliométricos de las revistas de psicología en el Perú. El método fue el socio-bibliométrico, la muestra fueron las revistas que cuenten con el Número Internacional Normalizado para Publicaciones Seriadas (ISSN por sus siglas en inglés). Resultados: 1) Revistas, 20 son las Revistas de Psicología en el Perú que cuentan con código ISSN físico y/o electrónico, 13 revistas se editan en la ciudad de Lima la capital del Perú y 7 en provincias. El mayor crecimiento se inició desde el 2011 y 2017, donde se fundaron 12 nuevas revistas. 2) Periodicidad, actualmente 13 revistas están activas, 12 se editan semestralmente. 3) Comité editorial, 17 revistas cuentan con comité editorial, existe una predominancia del género masculino (55%) en la integración de los comités editoriales de las revistas de psicología en el Perú. El 50% de integrantes del comité editorial son de procedencia internacional. 4) Proceso de publicación, 13 revistas tienen una convocatoria abierta todo el año y cuentan con normas de publicación para los autores. 5) Contenido, los artículos empíricos y teóricos son los más publicados por las revistas de psicología del Perú, 11 revistas publican solo en español. La mayoría de las revistas publican en promedio entre 6 y 12.5 artículos por edición. 6) Difusión, 13 revistas no cuentan con alguna red social para la difusión de sus actividades, once revistas están indexadas en Latindex, solo una revista está indizada en Scopus y ninguna revista está indizada en WOS.</span></span></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gonzalo Miguez, Kasely Esteban, Giuliana Salazar-Alvarez, Diego Renato Torres-Marruffo, Mario Laborda, Vanetza Quezada-Scholz Effect of an intervention programme based on the verb as a unit of semantic-executive synthesis on a child with ADHD 2024-08-23T10:03:25-04:00 Hector Juan Pelayo Gonzalez Diana Isabel Duran Hernandez Ignacio Mendez Balbuena Vicente Arturo Lopez Cortes Veronica Reyes-Meza <p>Attention Deficit Disorder is highly prevalent among the child population and its symptoms hinder development in school, family, and social aspects. It is known that these children may present important difficulties in language development, specifically in the regulation, development of meanings, shaping, and stability of internal images, and problems in the evocation of information. If intervention programs were to include these aspects of language as a means of treatment, care would improve. In this paper, we evaluated, through a case study, whether using verbs can integrate semantic and executive aspects that will enhance regulatory and attentional processes in a child with ADHD and present a program based on verbs as the unit of semantic-executive synthesis used. The results indicate a significant decrease in errors in the neuropsychological factors of motor organization, audio-verbal retention, visual retention, phonemic, and global spatial integration. It is necessary that intervention programs are consistent from the point of view of the brain-behavior relationship and that the selection of tasks includes the semantic and executive aspects of language to achieve the recovery or development processes.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hector Juan Pelayo Gonzalez, Diana Isabel Duran Hernandez, Ignacio Mendez Balbuena, Vicente Arturo Lopez Cortes, Veronica Reyes-Meza Parental burnout, parenting social skills and parental monitoring: married and single mothers 2024-08-20T19:11:36-04:00 Amanda Trivellato Ferreira Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias <p>Motherhood and parenting is accompanied by daily challenges and, given the characteristics of the process, parents can experience parental burnout; a syndrome resulting from intense exposure to stress, which may be continuous, recurrent or punctual. Burnout acts as a risk factor in the lives of parents and children, on the other hand educational social skills and parental monitoring can act as protection. Given this context, the present study aimed to verify and compare signs of parental burnout, educational social skills and parental monitoring in married and single mothers. This was a quantitative, descriptive, comparison study with a cross-sectional design. 40 mothers participated (5 solo), from a city in the interior of São Paulo. The instruments used were: Parental Burnout Inventory (PBA), Parental Monitoring Questionnaire (QMP), Parental Educational Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P) and Critério Brasil. The results showed single mothers who were more exhausted than married mothers, however, with a greater repertoire in Parental Educational Social Skills and Context Variables to deal with their children. It was concluded that preventive programs with single mothers and married mothers can help them and their children.</p> <p> </p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Trivellato Ferreira, Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias Cross-Cultural Translation and Adaptation of the Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT) to Brazilian Portuguese: A Methodological Approach for Ensuring Linguistic and Cultural Equivalence 2024-07-22T11:38:49-04:00 Gabriel Talask Fernanda de Oliveira Paveltchuk Carlos Augusto Silva Cardoso Diogo Vinícius do Carmo Oliveira de Lemos Laura Sengès Carreras Rafael Thomaz da Costa Antonio Egidio Nardi Carmem Beatriz Neufeld Marcele Regine de Carvalho <p><strong>Background: </strong>Process-Based Therapy (PBT) focuses on understanding and guiding individual change processes, diverging from group-based analyses. The approach tailor’s treatment to address individual issues, emphasizing measurable change processes for effective treatment, while recognizing that effective treatments are not constrained by a specific therapeutic orientation or strategy. The process-based assessment tool (PBAT) was developed to provide researchers and practitioners with a guide to a minimal viable set of process-based items. The PBAT is an item pool designed for intensive longitudinal clinical assessment, developed based on the PBT model. <strong>Objective: </strong>The present study aims to translate and cross-culturally adapt the PBAT into Brazilian Portuguese. <strong>Method: </strong>The cross-cultural adaptation process balances literal translation components from one language to the other and an adaptation process that takes into account the culture of the target population. The cross-cultural adaptation process occurred in four major steps: i) translation process; ii) back translation process; iii) evaluation of the semantic equivalence of the preliminary Portuguese version; and iv) pre-test. <strong>Result: </strong>The analysis of the results from the target population's evaluation was predominantly qualitative, supplemented with indicators such as the Content Validity Index (CVI) to identify potential items requiring adjustments. The results may suggest the effectiveness of the iterative refinement process, potentially increasing confidence in the accuracy and relevance of the translated PBAT for the Portuguese-speaking population. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Future research endeavors may benefit from the translated PBAT, enabling a comprehensive exploration of within-person processes and fostering advancements in evidence-based practices.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel Talask, Fernanda de Oliveira Paveltchuk, Carlos Augusto Silva Cardoso Diogo, Vinícius do Carmo Oliveira de Lemos, Laura Sengès Carreras, Rafael Thomaz da Costa, Antonio Egidio Nardi, Carmem Beatriz Neufeld, Marcele Regine de Carvalho Women in middle age and old age: living conditions and mental health by race/color in the Brazilian context 2024-09-17T17:30:09-04:00 Bianca de Queiroz Soares Doris Firmino Rabelo Simone Seixas da Cruz <p>The aim was to compare living conditions and mental health (Common Mental Disorders - CMD) among white, mixed race and black women in middle age and old age in Brazil. A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was carried out in a virtual environment. A convenience sample of 545 middle-aged and older women in Brazil completed an online form with a sociodemographic information sheet and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Bivariate analyses (chi-square of independence and Student's t-test) and a factorial ANOVA (p≤0.05) were performed and effect sizes were calculated. The results indicated differences by race/color in terms of family configuration and socioeconomic conditions, with a higher proportion of black women in the worst indices. With regard to mental health, white women were more protected and mixed race and single black women had more CMD. The data indicated the complexity involved in mental health and that the ageing of black, mixed race and white women takes place in different social and economic contexts. A more dignified and healthy old age for all women requires public policies that address racial disparities on multiple levels, considering the specificities of brazilian racism.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca de Queiroz Soares, Doris Firmino Rabelo, Simone Seixas da Cruz Psychology and Necropolitics: A Critical Analysis of 'High-Impact' Publications on Violence in Ecuador 2024-08-19T19:13:05-04:00 Manuel Capella José Antonio Rodas <p>This article reviews psychological research on violence in Ecuador, focusing on high-impact publications indexed in Scopus. Although analyzed studies cover various forms of violence, such as gender-based violence and violence against minors, they tend to focus on individual and interpersonal levels, with a predominance of hegemonic theories imported from the United States and Europe. This approach limits the understanding of the complex sociopolitical dynamics that determine the conditions of life and death in the country. Among others, one example of this limitation is the absence of the concept of necropolitics, which is essential to examine how power structures determine who is considered expendable in contexts of extreme violence, such as the COVID-19 health crisis and drug-related violence in Ecuador. Incorporating necropolitical analysis into psychological research would allow for a deeper understanding of how these forces operate, underscoring the need for inter- and transdisciplinary approaches that transcend individualistic perspectives and better represent the social and political realities of Ecuador.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Manuel Capella, José Antonio Rodas Validation of the Exogroup Threat Perception Scale (EPAE) for Venezuelan immigrants in Colombia 2024-06-20T14:03:21-04:00 Ignacio Ramos-Vidal Jorge Palacio Humberto Jesús Llinas-Solano Andrea Doria-Zapata Laura Bohórquez-Anaya María Quiroz-Pabón Juan Carlos Marín-Escobar Marbel Gravini-Donado <p>This article analyzes the psychometric properties, in particular the structural and convergent validity of the Exogroup Threat Perception Scale (EPAE) in the Carmona-Halty and Navas (2016) version, with 1,078 Colombians in Barranquilla, northern Colombia, with respect to the level of realistic, symbolic, and perceived security threat on immigrants from Venezuela. Participants were selected using the snowball technique and ranged in age from 18 to 78 years (M=34.6; SD=13.4), of whom 49% (n=523) were male. The results indicate a high internal consistency of the Scale (α=0.91 and ω=0.91), and the confirmatory factor analysis ratified the three-factor structure with adequate fit indices (CFI = 0.942, RMSEA = 0.06 and SRMSR = 0.08. NFI = 0.935, PNFI = 0.723). The validity indicators (for contact, attitudes and prejudice toward immigrants) are consistent with the values of threat perception. Differences were found with gender and socioeconomic status of the participants. The results of this work are discussed with a view to facilitating the adaptation process of Venezuelan immigrants in the receiving context.</p> <p> </p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ignacio Ramos-Vidal, Jorge Palacio, Humberto Jesús Llinas-Solano, Andrea Doria-Zapata, Laura Bohórquez-Anaya, María Quiroz-Pabón, Juan Carlos Marín-Escobar, Marbel Gravini-Donado