Psychology, Interamerican
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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs and DOI for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5 spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points with their corresponding call in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal, adapting to the suggested model.
  • All personal information was removed from the file sent (metadata), as well as from the text it contains. Ensuring double-blind review.
  • The required ethical principles according to the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. If necessary, the certificate of the ethics committee is attached.

Author Guidelines

Categories of the Manuscripts

Accepted manuscripts are divided into five categories: (a) Articles, which may include qualitative or quantitative data research reports, (b)  integrative and critical bibliometric reviews and research, (c) methodological and historiographical contributions, and (d) manuscripts of interest to the academic, professional, and scientific work of Interamerican psychology.

We will also publish on Special Sections/Topics occasionally. Guidelines for these should be requested from the Editor.

Editorial Process and Decision Making

Manuscripts received may not have been submitted or sent to any other professional or academic publication while being considered by RIP/IJP. Submitted manuscripts must not have been published in any part in any other publication. All manuscripts will be reviewed for plagiarism through the Google Assignment platform.

Due to the editorial policies and standards of scientific publication required in the academic community, the RIP/IJP has space to publish between 10% and 20% of the manuscripts received. Therefore, each manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review/evaluation by the editorial committee, which evaluates whether the ethical, stylistic and scientific requirements of a quality manuscript have been met, based on the interests of the journal (See Focus and Scope). Based on this evaluation, the manuscript may be rejected or accepted for the revision process.

Due to the requirement of double-blind review, authors should do everything possible to eliminate clues or suggestions in the manuscript that could identify them, that is, the data of the authors and their institutions should be loaded only in the OJS form, while the manuscript should have the elements indicated below in the Editorial Style.

The reviewers and editorial team will make suggestions for publication to the Editor, who will be responsible for final decisions regarding publication, revision and resubmission, or rejection and this will be communicated to the authors.

Editorial Style

The RIP/IJP will strictly follow the guidelines of the latest American Psychological Association Publication Manual. (Download Model)

  1. The original manuscript should not exceed 20 pages (A4 margin 2.5 on all sides) with 1.5 inch spacing, including references (whenever available with DOI or URL), tables and figure [always with its corresponding call in the text, for example (See Figure 1) or (See Table 1)]. Exceeding this limit will only be possible when it is necessary for the particular content of the manuscript and it  is duly justified by the author through the opening of a commentary in the journal's editorial management system.
  2. The manuscript submitted must have a Title Page,including the title, and keywords, then an abstract page  in English; Additionally, a title, abstract and keywords, in one of the other official languages of ISP (Spanish, Portuguese or French) must be provided.
  3. Information about the authors, institutions and other identifying information should not appear anywhere in the submitted manuscript. Make sure that information about the authors and their contacts are correctly loaded in the portal submission forms, however, including ORCID numbers.
  4. The title should adequately explain the research being carried out, while at the same time be attractive and draw the attention of readers and specialists in the area from which it originates.
  5. The use of footnotes is not recommended.
  6. All sources cited in the manuscript should be included in the reference list and vice versa.
  7. Ames of institutions (institution, city, country) should be provided in the four languages of SIP (Spanish, english, Portuguese or French) respecting their denomination of origin (For example: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Harvard University, Universidade de São Paulo), that is to say, neither proper nor institutional names should be translated into another language. As for titles, abstracts and keywords, all fields must be completed in English, and additionally provided in   one  other chosen SIP language
  8. The portal submission form must be completed in full, including, if applicable, the indication of conflicts of interest, as well as the loading of the references of the articles and other required fields. These form part of the metadata and are of vital importance for the correct dissemination of the information published in the RIP/IJP, and are the main vehicle for identifying authors and financial institutions. Finally,following ethical, stylistic and methodological principles are necessary to ensure a publication of high scientific and human value.

Writing Style

RIP/IJP encourages the use of inclusive language with respect to gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability and other socio-demographic characteristics. The Editor suggests the use of the term "participants" rather than "subjects." The procedures used to obtain participants' informed consent should be described. Their sociodemographic characteristics should be presented as explicitly as possible. Regional and technical terms should be avoided.

Ethical principles

Authors must declare (explicitly in the manuscript) that they have followed the general and specific ethical standards agreed upon in the countries where the scientific, academic and professional activity took place. Also, that they have followed the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists (IAAP & IUPsyS, 2008), the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (CIOMS, WHO & PAHO, 2016) and the declarations of the ISP regarding ethical behavior at the time of submission (ISP, 1978, 2008a, 2008b, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019).

In cases where required by ethical principles locally, nationally or internationally the authors will be responsible for attaching  the certification or endorsement by the relevant body's ethics committee on procedures described in the manuscript.

Finally, the authors are obliged to explicitly state in the manuscript any conflict of interest or non-existence of such conflicts.

The RIP/IJP has a protocol for reporting misconduct, which, if substantiated, can cause the manuscript to be removed from any stage of publication, including already published articles.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.