Psychology, Interamerican
Gender differences in word fragment and word stem completion memory tasks
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Cervantes, H. D. J., & Granados Ramos, D. E. (2016). Gender differences in word fragment and word stem completion memory tasks. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 49(3).


Implicit memory tasks involve an increase in performance for previously seen items when compared to new items, independent of whether or not participants correctly classify the item as old. In this study we evaluated the effect of sex differences on word fragment (WFC) word stem completion (WSC) tasks, under the hypothesis that they would show no differences between tasks, and that women would overall perform better than men. 24 undergraduate students participated in this study, which consisted of a shallow encoding task, followed by a fragmented word completion task. Results did not reveal differences in performance between men and women on overall word completion rates. However, we found differences between WSC and WFC in men and women. Contrary to our hypothesis, women did not perform better than men.
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