Psychology, Interamerican
HIV-Related Felt Stigma among Puerto Ricans Living with HIV/AIDS: A Focus Group Study
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Jimenez, J., Morales, M., Sala, A., Puig, M., Deliz, L., Castro, E., Santiago, L., & Zorrilla, C. (2013). HIV-Related Felt Stigma among Puerto Ricans Living with HIV/AIDS: A Focus Group Study. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 45(3).


Stigma negatively impacts the wellbeing of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Feeling stigmatized is known to affect key areas of daily lives of PLWHA. This study characterizes the experience of perceived stigma among a group of Puerto Ricans LWHA, through a focus group (FG) approach. A total of 40 participants were recruited from Ryan White agencies at the southern area of Puerto Rico. A qualitative study was performed to gather data concerning participants’ feelings, opinions, and perceptions. The FG were audio recorded and transcribed into a written report. Content analysis was performed and the topics were coded for inter-rate reliability. The topics derived were related to: stigma experiences of rejection, emotional reactions, disclosure, reactions of others, PLWHA coping, physical appearance, and affective relationships.
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