Psicologia, Interamericana
Co-parenting and familism predictors of young adults’ companionship and intimacy with their parents

Palabras clave

companionship and intimacy

Cómo citar

Sotomayor-Peterson, M., Pineda-Leon, M., & Valenzuela-Medina, E. (2016). Co-parenting and familism predictors of young adults’ companionship and intimacy with their parents. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 50(2).


In this study, we test the predictive value of Co-parenting during childhood and the Mexican cultural value of familism over companionship and intimacy with mother and father –independently- reported by young adult child. To do so, a sample of 118 students - young adult children from nuclear families- in a public university of a Northwest state of Mexico were interviewed using close-ended questionnaires; after that we performed multivariate analyses (i.e. path analyses). The results show a sex difference favoring women who reported higher level of companionship and intimacy in their relations with mothers. Similarly, women reported higher values on co-parenting and familism. Also, there were direct, positive and statistically significant effects from co-parenting and familism over companionship and intimacy with the mother. Our findings show that only co-parenting during childhood predicts the experience of companionship and intimacy with the father children experience during early adulthood.


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