Psychology, Interamerican
The Consideration of Future Consequences: psychometric properties, geographical distribution and association with substance use in a representative sample of Montevideo, Uruguay
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Consideration of future consequences
psychometric properties
scale scores
socioeconomic status
substance use

How to Cite

Alvarez-Nuñez, L. S., Selma, H., & Vásquez-Echeverría, A. (2020). The Consideration of Future Consequences: psychometric properties, geographical distribution and association with substance use in a representative sample of Montevideo, Uruguay. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 54(1), e287.


The Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) scale assesses the degree to which people are influenced by the immediate or distant consequences of their behaviors. In a representative sample of Montevideo, the aim of this study is to explore its psychometric properties, establish its population scales, explore its territorial distribution and evaluate the associations of the CFC with the consumption of drugs. In this study, the two-factor solution provides better fit, with adequate reliability. The CFC present significant differences according to age and sex, for which specific scales are offered. Likewise, we found mixed evidence on their territorial distribution and a small effect size on the consumption of some substances. Results are discussed based on the role of the CFC to explain behavior with intertemporal consequences.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Lucía Stephanie Alvarez-Nuñez, Alejandro Vásquez Echeverría, Hugo Selma