Psychology, Interamerican
Environmental Psychology in Latin America: an analysis of open access scientific production
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environmental psychology
scientific production
internationalization of science
Latin America

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Farias Diniz, R., Moisés, J., Akila Barbosa, D., & Freire Costa, A. L. (2023). Environmental Psychology in Latin America: an analysis of open access scientific production. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 57(3), e1844.


In order to elucidate the scenario of development and consolidation of Environmental Psychology in Latin America, we intend to discuss the dynamics and evolution of the area, through the characterization of scientific production in the format of scientific articles published in open access journals. Therefore, a bibliometric study was carried out, using the SciELO, PEPSIC and RedALYC databases and the descriptor: environmental psychology. In total there were 304 articles, published between 1994 and 2021, that met the inclusion criteria. As main results, the leading role of Brazil in Latin American psycho-environmental production was evidenced, since the most frequent language in publications is Portuguese (51.8%), the most used magazines (58.7%) and the institutions that concentrate the largest number of authors (52.8%) are Brazilian. Next, Mexico stood out, also pointed out as a pioneer pole of EP in LA. Among the other countries, the third precursor center of the continent -Venezuela- had a smaller participation compared to Colombia, Argentina and Chile, which have been gaining ground in scientific production in the area. From the findings, considerations are made on the factors associated with these variations and notes on the BP in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Raquel Farias Diniz, Juliana Moisés, Déborah Akila Barbosa, Ana Ludmila Freire Costa