Psychology, Interamerican
Environmental Values as Mediators of the Influence of Altruism and Frugality over Material Sacrifice
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green consumerism
environmental values

How to Cite

Pires, P. P., Peixoto, J. M., Ribas Jr., R. de C., & de Souza, M. A. (2020). Environmental Values as Mediators of the Influence of Altruism and Frugality over Material Sacrifice. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 54(2), e1001.


One of the greatest challenges in the study of environmental values ​​is the understanding of the dynamic relationships between different beliefs and attitudes capable of constituting a network of influence on consumption behavior, among them the disposition to material sacrifice. For the present study, 391 Brazilian participants, with a mean age of M = 35.39 (SD = 12.5), 148 (37.9%) males, and 243 (62.1%) females, responded to the Material Sacrifice Scale, Relatedness to Nature Scale, Frugality Scale, Self-Reported Altruism Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Bivariate analyzes indicate that material sacrifice has positive correlations with the dimensions of all the measures employed, including frugality and altruism. In the multivariate model, it was observed that environmental values ​​serve as mediators of the impact of frugality and altruism on material sacrifice, with the final model reaching satisfactory adjustment for the complexity of its structure, which includes a complete metric model.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Pedro P. Pires, Julia Mulinari Peixoto, Rodolfo de Castro Ribas Jr., Marcos Aguiar de Souza