Psychology, Interamerican
El cáncer prostático en la experiencia de pareja: La mujer como guardiana de la salud
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Berríos, R., & Rivero Vergne, A. (2016). El cáncer prostático en la experiencia de pareja: La mujer como guardiana de la salud. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 49(3).


Prostate cancer has increased considerably among Puerto Rican men. If detected on time the probability of surviving this condition is high.  However, lack of knowledge about this topic is prevalent among the Puerto Rican population. Research about the experiences of women has been limited even though they play an important role in sustaining their spouses’ well-being during their illness. Using a phenomenological approach in depth interviews were conducted with 10 couples to explore the experience of surviving prostate cancer. In this article findings directly associated with the category: The woman as a guardian of health are presented, including the woman as primary caregiver, attitude towards sexuality, and responsibility for treatment success and for the process of dealing with secondary effects.
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