Psychology, Interamerican
Escala de actitudes hacia la socialización de la medicina
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Schufer de Paikin, M. L. (2017). Escala de actitudes hacia la socialización de la medicina. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 10(3 & 4). & 4.754


The purpose of this study is to elaborate a valid and reliable instrument to measure attitudes towards the socialization of Medicine. A scale of attitudes towards the socialization of Medicine was constructed using Thurstone’s successive intervals technique. The 115 items were judged by 126 judges: 21 were physicians, 42 medical students and 63 "others”, mainly professionals and students of other sciences. The approach used consisted in asking subjects to place items along a continuum, using as criterion not their own opinion about the socialization of Medicine, but rather whether the item could be considered either favorable or unfavorable towards the socialization of Medicine. The analysis of the data showed that the scale value of items remain, between certain limits, invariant throughout different occupational groups.
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