Psychology, Interamerican
Percepciones y expectativas sobre el contexto de aprendizaje. Un estudio con alumnos de Educación Superior
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Martin, R. B., Paoloni, P. V. R., & Rinaudo, M. C. (2016). Percepciones y expectativas sobre el contexto de aprendizaje. Un estudio con alumnos de Educación Superior. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 49(2).


This article presents the main features and results of a project to understand the perceptions and expectations about learning contexts of three groups of students who participated in learning processes in higher education –non university tertiary, undergraduate grade y postgraduate grade- . We worked with 303 students who have completed higher studies and data were collected through of IPSE Inventory of Perceived Study Environment of Wierstra, Kanselaar, van der Linden & Lodeewijks (1999). The results show significant differences between the perceptions and expectations of the groups of students about learning contexts. The findings of this study are interesting to think about setting up new educational designs
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