Psychology, Interamerican
Cross-cultural adaptation of distress assessment instrument in children undergoing painful procedures

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Cross-Cultural Adaptation.

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Oliveira, N. C. A. C., Pinder, W. M., Dahlquist, L. M., & Linhares, M. B. M. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation of distress assessment instrument in children undergoing painful procedures. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 51(3).


The study aimed to translate, back-translate to the Portuguese-Brazil language and cross-culturally adapt the content of OSBD scale for the evaluation of distress in painful contexts in children. In first step, two forward translations were made of the instrument from English to Portuguese. A consensus of these translations was obtained in second step. A native English speaker back-translated the preliminary version of the scale in Portuguese into the original English (Step 3). In step 4, an expert in the use of the OSBD reviewed the backtranslated version. Then, the Portuguese version of the OSBD was submitted to a committee of experts. The final step was the pretest. Pretesting showed that the scale was useful and comprehensible for the evaluation of pain-associated distress in Brazilian children.


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