Psychology, Interamerican
O papel da Sociedade Interamericana de Psicologia no desenvolvimento da Psicologia na América Latina
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Angelini, A. (2013). O papel da Sociedade Interamericana de Psicologia no desenvolvimento da Psicologia na América Latina. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 46(1).


This is a transcription of the article originally published in 1979 in this journal. For historical purposes, it now contains extended comments by the author. The article analyzes the main activities that the Interamerican Society of Psychology (SIP) has carried out during the 28 years of its existence while trying to help in the development of Psychology in the Americas and particularly in Latin America. The paper recalls the seventeen interamerican congresses of psychology held by the SIP from 1953 through 1979, emphasizing the theme and main topics covered by each congress. Information is also given on dates, attendance, invited speakers, and other factors related to the various congresses. The publications sponsored by SIP are also recalled, particularly the Revista Interamericana de Psicologia and the Interamerican Psychologist, given their significance for scientific exchange among psychologits in the Americas.  Finally, homage is paid to those psychologists who have participated in the different Board of Governors of the Society and who in their jobs have helped in the development of psychology in this hemisphere. The 17 presidents and 7 Secretary Generals are named for their contributions in this regard
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