Psychology, Interamerican
The corporeity according to Edith Stein: Some implications for Psychology


Edith Stein

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Cardoso, C. de R. D., & Massimi, M. (2018). The corporeity according to Edith Stein: Some implications for Psychology. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 52(1).


The theme of corporeity gained attention in contemporary psychology. Clarifications of this object’s nature is required as well as the dangers of epistemological reductions resulting from the split between humanistic and naturalistic psychologies. The objective of this paper is to stress the urgency of the phenomenological framework of Edith Stein (1891-1942) in the consideration of this issue. First, the definition of corporeity as a scientific object, was introduced, as it is presented on some of Stein’s works. Then, philosophical issues about the knowledge of the body was presented, as well as some implications that such theme holds to the sciences that aims the study of corporeity: Psychology, especially, since it is founded in qualitative models and physical and biological ones.


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