Psychology, Interamerican
Functional Theory of Values: Results of a Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Portuguese Youths
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Functional Theory
Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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Marques, C., Silva, A. D., Taveira, M. do C., & Gouveia, V. (2017). Functional Theory of Values: Results of a Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Portuguese Youths. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 50(3).


This study aims to test the functional theory of life values with Portuguese youths, based on the Basic Values Survey (BVS). A content hypothesis predicting a six-dimensional values model and a structure hypothesis predicting the representation of values into two space dimensions are tested. Participants include 815 youths (444 girls) with a mean age of 15.3 years old (SDage = 1.89). The content hypothesis was verified using confirmatory factor analysis. The structure hypothesis was verified through confirmatory (proxscal) multidimensional scaling. The results indicate that the six sub functions of values (content hypothesis) can be organized in a bi-dimensional space with three types of orientation and two types of motivator (structure hypothesis). Concluding, multiple indicators provide evidence for the psychometric properties of BVS in Portugal.
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