Psicologia, Interamericana
La Escala de Satisfacción Marital: Análisis de su confiabilidad y validez en una muestra de supervisores mexicanos
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Cómo citar

Arias- Galicia, L. F. (2017). La Escala de Satisfacción Marital: Análisis de su confiabilidad y validez en una muestra de supervisores mexicanos. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 37(1).


In this study I examined the reliability and validity of the Spanish version o the Marital Satisfaction Scale [MSS] (Roach, Browden and Frazier, 1981) with a sample of 49 Mexican supervisors. The men also completed the following instruments: the Spanish version o the Strait-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Díaz-Guerrero & Spielberger, 1975, the Work-Family Relationship Inventory (Arias-Galicia, 1980). And the Scale of Love Attitudes (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986). Demographic data were also gathered. Results of these instruments were used to ascertain the construct validation of the Marital Satisfaction Scale, which showed an internal consistency alpha coefficient .89.  Hypotheses concerned with the relationship of the scale to results of the above mentioned were supported, generally speaking.  Also an histogram and frequency distribution in presented in order to interpret individual scores. Results indicate that the MSS is a useful measure and a helpful diagnostic tool. Results confirmed previous work with this scale (Arias-Galicia, 1989). Further research in other cultural context and with other samples, including both genders, is necessary in order to be able to generalize the results.
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