Psicologia, Interamericana
Cognitive styles in children: Two Mexican communities
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Cómo citar

Ramírez III, M., & Price-Williams, D. (2017). Cognitive styles in children: Two Mexican communities. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 8(1 & 2). & 2.693


Children of two Mexican communities (one more identified with the traditional Mexican system of values than the other) were tested with the Portable Rod and Frame Test. Their mothers were interviewed and a socialization questionnaire was administered to them. It was predicted that children from the community which was most identified with the traditional Mexican system of values would be the most field dependent in cognitive style and that their mothers would more frequently agree with items of a socialization questionnaire which reflected attitudes and behaviors of the field dependent “socialization” cluster. The results supported both hypotheses, al­though differences between mothers of the two communities on the socialization ques­tionnaire were not significant. The socialization results also showed a need for modifi­cation of the field dependent "socialization” cluster for study of cognitive style develop­ment in the Mexican culture, particularly in those communities which are more identi­fied with the traditional Mexican system of values.
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