Psicologia, Interamericana
Defying adversity creatively: Analysis of film characters
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Cómo citar

Barlach, L. (2016). Defying adversity creatively: Analysis of film characters. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 49(1).


Among many possibilities, resilience can be defined as building creative solutions in the face of adversity, creative response to the crisis, or even application of lateral thinking in generating innovative solutions in the face of traumatic or adverse situations (Barlach, 2005). Thus, the development of creativity can be understood as a preventive tool in the face of adversity or as a source of many potential date for your face. Whereas "most frequently exposed to art, literature, film and the type relationships mentoring , have expanded their resilience potential" (Assimakopoulos, 2001) and the film production sets, through characters or stories, creative solutions before adverse conditions, it sought in this study, analyze films that could express the concept of resilience in its interface with creativity. Therefore, seven great popular impact movies were chosen. Underlying the adopted qualitative methodology, it is the hypothesis that cultural production can contribute to the construction of the collective imagination pervaded by resilience is opposed to victimization and to the learning process of the production of adaptive resources in the face of adversity. Corroborates to Piaget's thesis (1985) that the characters of the films analyzed exceeded the pseudo-needed who presented themselves as real, visualizing possible, either with respect to the situation faced, whether in developing creative solutions to your face.


Among many possibilities, resilience can be defined as building creative solutions in the face of adversity, creative response to the crisis, or even application of lateral thinking in generating innovative solutions in the face of traumatic or adverse situations (Barlach, 2005). Thus, the development of creativity can be understood as a preventive tool in the face of adversity or as a source of many potential date for your face. Whereas "most frequently exposed to art, literature, film and the type relationships mentoring[1] , have expanded their potential resilience "(Assimakopoulos, 2001) and the film production sets, through characters or stories, creative solutions in adverse conditions, we sought in this study, analyze films that could express the concept of resilience in its interface with creativity. Therefore, seven great popular impact movies were chosen. Underlying the adopted qualitative methodology, it is the hypothesis that cultural production can contribute to the construction of the collective imagination pervaded by resilience is opposed to victimization and to the learning process of the production of adaptive resources in the face of adversity. Corroborates to Piaget's thesis (1985) that the characters of the films analyzed exceeded the pseudo-needed who presented themselves as real, visualizing possible, either with respect to the situation faced, whether in developing creative solutions to your face.

[1] Mentoring in this context can be translated as a relationship with a mentor.
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