Psicologia, Interamericana
Relaciones entre afectos positivos y negativos e intereses profesionales en universitarios
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Cómo citar

Porto Noronha, A. P. (2016). Relaciones entre afectos positivos y negativos e intereses profesionales en universitarios. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 49(1).


The present study aimed the relationship between positive and negative affects and professional interests. Additionally, assessed differencesbetween courses. 76 students participated, with 51.3% of the Psychology course and 48.7% of Pedagogy. Regarding gender, 89.5% of participants were women and the mean age was 22.83 years. The affects were assessed by the Scale Affects Zanon and interests, by Questionnaire Self-Directed Search. The results showed that positive affect correlated with the types Social, Investigative, Enterprising and realistic, with magnitudes lower. Regarding the mean differences between the courses, there was in the type Social, and Psychological participants had higher averages. The results are discussed in light of the literature.

The present study aimed the relationship between positive and negative affects and professional interests. Additionally, assessed differencesbetween courses. 76 students participated, with 51.3% of the Psychology course and 48.7% of Pedagogy. Regarding gender, 89.5% of participants were women and the mean age was 22.83 years. The affects were assessed by the Scale Affects Zanon and interests, by Questionnaire Self-Directed Search. The results showed that positive affect correlated with the types Social, Investigative, Enterprising and realistic, with magnitudes lower. Regarding the mean differences between the courses, there was in the type Social, and Psychological participants had higher averages. The results are discussed in light of the literature.
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