Psicologia, Interamericana
Brazilian jeitinho: Understanding and explaining an indigenous psychological construct
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Cómo citar

Pilati Rodrigues, R. (2012). Brazilian jeitinho: Understanding and explaining an indigenous psychological construct. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 45(1).



Brazilian jeitinho is a social influence strategy that is widely regarded as a component of Brazilian

culture. This study aims to systematize the way Brazilians conceptualize jeitinho, seeking to identify

behaviors that are seen as exemplars. In study one, 17 participants were interviewed and content

analyses pointed to seven themes: sympathy, harm to others, malandragem, disregard for social rules,

innovative processes, power relation, and compensation. In study two, 28 participants were interviewed

and the results corroborated study one themes. About 35 typical situations of jeitinho were described.

In conclusion, Jeitinho is an innovative problem-solving strategy in which the individual uses social

influence combined with cunning tricks to achieve goals, despite the fact that it breaks formal rules.
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