Psicologia, Interamericana
Work engagement, teaching practices with motivational effects, and learning-oriented classroom motivational climate
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Palabras clave

work engagement
classroom motivational climate
teaching practices
secondary students

Cómo citar

Leal-Soto, F., Carmona-Halty, M., Dávila-Ramírez, J., & Valdivia, Y. (2018). Work engagement, teaching practices with motivational effects, and learning-oriented classroom motivational climate. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 52(2).


The influence of teaching practices on student motivation is indisputable. The concept of work engagement developed by positive psychologists can help pinpoint this influence. This study aimed to determine the relationships between work engagement of teachers, their teaching practices with motivational effects and learning-oriented motivational climate in the class. The study involved 46 teachers and 1,266 students. Students answered the Classroom Motivational Climate Questionnaire and teachers answered the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and an adapted form of the Classroom Motivational Climate Questionnaire.  Work engagement of teachers was positively and significantly correlated with learning-oriented classroom motivational climate perceived by students and with teaching practices with motivational effects reported by teachers. The relevance of work engagement and wellbeing of teachers on teaching practice and student motivation is discussed.
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