This article analyzes the psychometric properties, in particular the structural and convergent validity of the Exogroup Threat Perception Scale (EPAE) in the Carmona-Halty and Navas (2016) version, with 1,078 Colombians in Barranquilla, northern Colombia, with respect to the level of realistic, symbolic, and perceived security threat on immigrants from Venezuela. Participants were selected using the snowball technique and ranged in age from 18 to 78 years (M=34.6; SD=13.4), of whom 49% (n=523) were male. The results indicate a high internal consistency of the Scale (α=0.91 and ω=0.91), and the confirmatory factor analysis ratified the three-factor structure with adequate fit indices (CFI = 0.942, RMSEA = 0.06 and SRMSR = 0.08. NFI = 0.935, PNFI = 0.723). The validity indicators (for contact, attitudes and prejudice toward immigrants) are consistent with the values of threat perception. Differences were found with gender and socioeconomic status of the participants. The results of this work are discussed with a view to facilitating the adaptation process of Venezuelan immigrants in the receiving context.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ignacio Ramos-Vidal, Jorge Palacio, Humberto Jesús Llinas-Solano, Andrea Doria-Zapata, Laura Bohórquez-Anaya, María Quiroz-Pabón, Juan Carlos Marín-Escobar, Marbel Gravini-Donado