Several measures were developed in the past decades to measure personality, focusing on the Big Five Factor Model (BFFM; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism). Despite the relevance of their findings in different countries, a shared limitation of such measures is their length, demanding time from researchers and participants, which might cause boredom or fatigue, biasing the final results. This research aimed to provide a shorter version for the 44-Item Big Five Inventory (BFI), through two studies (NTotal = 8,119). The structure was assessed using a range of techniques (e.g., PAF analysis, Procrustes rotation). The best 20 items (4 per factor) were chosen to compose the final version of the BFI-20, which presented suitable psychometric evidences across the samples. Thus, due the growing need for shorter measures without losing their psychometric quality, our findings indicate the adequacy of the 20-item BFI and its potential applicability in research context.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Valdiney Veloso Gouveia, Rafaella de Carvalho Rodrigues Araújo, Isabel Cristina Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Marina Pereira Gonçalves, Taciano Milfont, Gabriel Lins de Holanda Coelho, Walberto Santos, Emerson Diógenes de Medeiros, Ana Karla Silva Soares, Renan Pereira Monteiro, Josemberg Moura de Andrade, Thiago Medeiros Cavalcanti, Bruna da Silva Nascimento, Rildésia Gouveia