Psychology, Interamerican
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the ‘Sense of Coherence Scale’ in Schoolchildren
Blue, White, and Orange Abstract Painting


sense of coherence scale
social functioning

How to Cite

Menegazzo, G. R., Knorst, J. K., Ortiz, F. R., Tomazoni, F., & Ardenghi, T. M. (2020). Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the ‘Sense of Coherence Scale’ in Schoolchildren. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 54(1), e1148.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of Sense of Coherence scale (SOC-13) in schoolchildren. This is a cross-sectional study that included eight to fourteen years-old schoolchildren. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for SOC-13 measurement presented questionable results (0.63) and the Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient of 0.70 was statistically significant between different time points (p<0.01). Regarding the construct validity, significant values were observed between the SOC-13 components scores and the overall scale score. In the Confirmatory Factorial Analysis, the latent variable was related, through the standard factorial loads, to the other items of the questionnaire. We can conclude that the Brazilian version of SOC-13 showed adequate psychometric properties in a school-age population.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriele Rissotto Menegazzo, Jessica Klöckner Knorst, Fernanda Ruffo Ortiz, Fernanda Tomazoni, Thiago Machado Ardenghi